

图1 配置通过STelnet登录其他设备组网图
  • 组网需求
  • 配置思路
  • 操作步骤
  • 检查配置结果
  • 配置脚本


图 配置通过STelnet登录其他设备组网图所示,用户希望在服务器端和客户端进行安全的数据交互,配置登录用户为Client,使用password认证方式登录SSH服务器,并且配置新的端口号,而不使用缺省端口号。




  1. 在SSH服务器端配置SSH用户client的认证方式为Password认证。
  2. 在SSH服务器端开启STelnet服务功能。
  3. 在SSH服务器端配置SSH用户client服务方式为STelnet。
  4. 在SSH服务器端配置SSH服务器的端口号,有效防止攻击者对SSH服务标准端口的访问,确保安全性。
  5. 用户client以STelnet方式实现登录SSH服务器。


  1. 在服务器端创建SSH用户。# 配置VTY用户界面。
    <HUAWEI> system-view
    [HUAWEI] sysname SSH Server
    [SSH Server] user-interface vty 0 4
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] user privilege level 3
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] quit

    # 新建用户名为client的SSH用户,且认证方式为password,密码是YsHsjx_202206

    [SSH Server] aaa
    [SSH Server-aaa] local-user client password
    Please configure the login password (8-128)
    It is recommended that the password consist of at least 2 types of characters, including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals and special characters. 
    Please enter password:                                      
    Please confirm password:                               
    [SSH Server-aaa] local-user client privilege level 3
    [SSH Server-aaa] local-user client service-type ssh
    [SSH Server-aaa] quit
    [SSH Server] ssh user client
    [SSH Server] ssh user client authentication-type password


    <HUAWEI> system-view
    [HUAWEI] sysname client
    [client] ssh client cipher aes128_ctr aes256_ctr aes192_ctr aes128_gcm aes256_gcm
    [client] ssh client hmac sha2_256 sha2_512
    [client] ssh client key-exchange dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group16_sha512
    [client] ssh client publickey rsa_sha2_256 rsa_sha2_512
  2. SSH服务器端开启STelnet服务功能,并指定SSH服务端的源接口。# 开启STelnet服务功能。
    [SSH Server] stelnet server enable

    # 指定SSH服务端的源接口。

    [SSH Server] ssh server-source all-interface

    # 配置SSH服务器的公钥算法、加密算法、密钥交换算法列表、HMAC认证算法和最小密钥长度。

    [SSH Server] ssh server cipher aes128_ctr aes256_ctr aes192_ctr aes128_gcm aes256_gcm
    [SSH Server] ssh server hmac sha2_256 sha2_512
    [SSH Server] ssh server key-exchange dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group16_sha512
    [SSH Server] ssh server publickey rsa_sha2_256 rsa_sha2_512
    [SSH Server] ssh server dh-exchange min-len 3072
  3. 配置SSH用户client的服务方式为STelnet。
    [SSH Server] ssh user client service-type stelnet
  4. 配置SSH服务器端新的端口号。
    [SSH Server] ssh server port 1025
  5. STelnet客户端连接SSH服务器。# 第一次登录,需要开启SSH客户端首次登录功能。


    [client] ssh client first-time enable
    [client] quit

    # STelnet客户端Client用password认证方式连接SSH服务器,输入配置的用户名和密码。

    <client> stelnet 1025
    Trying ...
    Press CTRL+K to abort
    Connected to ...
    The server's public key does not match the one cached before. 
    The server is not authenticated. Continue to access it?[Y/N]:y
    The keyname: already exists. Update it? [Y/N]:n
    Please input the username: client    
    Enter password:


    Warning: The initial password poses security risks.                             
    The password needs to be changed. Change now? [Y/N]:n
    Info: The max number of VTY users is 21, the number of current VTY users online is 4, and total number of terminal users online is 4.                           
          The current login time is 2023-12-31 11:22:06.                            
    <SSH Server>

    如果登录成功,用户将进入用户视图。如果登录失败,用户将收到Session is disconnected的信息。


在SSH服务器端执行display ssh server status命令可以查看到STelnet服务已经开启。执行display ssh user-information命令可以查看服务器端SSH用户信息。

# 查看SSH状态信息。

[SSH Server] display ssh server status
SSH Version                                : 2.0
SSH authentication timeout (Seconds)       : 60
SSH authentication retries (Times)         : 3
SSH server key generating interval (Hours) : 0
SSH version 1.x compatibility              : Enable
SSH server keepalive                       : Disable
SFTP IPv4 server                           : Disable
SFTP IPv6 server                           : Disable
STELNET IPv4 server                     : Enable
STELNET IPv6 server                        : Enable
SNETCONF IPv4 server                       : Enable
SNETCONF IPv6 server                       : Enable
SNETCONF IPv4 server port(830)             : Disable
SNETCONF IPv6 server port(830)             : Disable
SCP IPv4 server                            : Enable
SCP IPv6 server                            : Enable
SSH port forwarding                        : Disable
SSH IPv4 server port                       : 1025
SSH IPv6 server port                       : 1025
ACL name                                   :
ACL number                                 :
ACL6 name                                  : 
ACL6 number                                :
SSH server ip-block                        : Enable

# 查看SSH用户信息。

[SSH Server] display ssh user-information
User Name             : client
Authentication type   : password
User public key name  : --
User public key type  : --
Sftp directory        : flash:
Service type          : stelnet
Total 1, 1 printed


  • SSH服务器的配置脚本
    sysname SSH Server
     local-user client password irreversible-cipher $1d$v!=.5/:(q-$xL=\K+if"'S}>k7vGP5$_ox0B@ys7.'DBHL~3*aN$
     local-user client service-type ssh
     local-user client privilege level 3
    ssh server port 1025
    stelnet server enable
    ssh user client
    ssh user client authentication-type password
    ssh user client service-type stelnet
    ssh server-source all-interface
    ssh server cipher aes128_ctr aes256_ctr aes192_ctr aes128_gcm aes256_gcm
    ssh server hmac sha2_256 sha2_512
    ssh server key-exchange dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group16_sha512
    ssh server publickey rsa_sha2_256 rsa_sha2_512
    ssh server dh-exchange min-len 3072
    user-interface vty 0 4
     authentication-mode aaa
     protocol inbound ssh
     user privilege level 3
  • SSH客户端Client的配置脚本
    sysname client
    ssh client first-time enable
    ssh client cipher aes128_ctr aes256_ctr aes192_ctr aes128_gcm aes256_gcm
    ssh client hmac sha2_256 sha2_512
    ssh client key-exchange dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group16_sha512
    ssh client publickey rsa_sha2_256 rsa_sha2_512


组网图形 图1 配置通过STelnet登录其他设备组网图 组网需求 配置思路 操作步骤 检查配置结果 配置脚本 组网需求 如图 配置通过STelnet登录其他设备组网图所示,用户希望在服务器端和客户端进行安全的数据交互,配置登录用户为Client,使用password认证方式登录SSH服务器,并且配置新的端口号,而不使用缺省端口号。 本例中interface1代表10GE1/0/1。 配置思路 采用如下的思路配置通过STelnet登录其他设备: 在SSH服务器端配置SSH用户client的认证方式为Password认证。 在SSH服务器端开启STelnet服务功能。 在SSH服务器端配置SSH用户client服务方式为STelnet。 在SSH服务器端配置SSH服务器的端口号,有效防止攻击者对SSH服务标准端口的访问,确保安全性。 用户client以STelnet方式实现登录SSH服务器。 操作步骤 在服务器端创建SSH用户。# 配置VTY用户界面。 <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] sysname SSH Server [SSH Server] user-interface vty 0 4 [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] user privilege level 3 [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] quit # 新建用户名为client的SSH用户,且认证方式为password,密码是YsHsjx_202206。 [SSH Server] aaa [SSH Server-aaa] local-user client password Please configure the login password (8-128) It is recommended that the password consist of at least 2 types of characters, including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals and special characters. Please enter password: Please confirm password: [SSH Server-aaa] local-user client priv……